
A Little Pumpkin in the Pumpkin Patch

  I cut down the size of the garden this year by only planting basics. I'm trying hard to keep up with the weeds as well as the watering. Thanks to the rain that keeps on falling, watering has not been too much of a chore. In fact, the garden has become a labor of love. In years past, there was a separate garden for the pumpkins. The problem with that was the hose didn't reach it very well so I had to do the best I could. This year it was decided to only have the one smaller garden and within that garden, include the pumpkins. Having that one smaller garden has been ideal. The pumpkin patch is getting the water it needs. The pumpkin plants are healthy. Their vines are stretching out of the garden and tiptoeing into the yard. And yesterday while out pulling weeds, I discovered a pumpkin. A beautiful pumpkin covered up with leaves like a child wrapped up in a favorite blanket. As I kept on pulling weeds, I thought of pumpkin patches from years gone by. The reason for having a pum

Summer's Coloring Book

Remember the fun of coloring the clowns or the puppies and kittens and all the simple artwork in those coloring books when growing up? There was nothing better than sitting down with your Crayola crayons and your favorite coloring books and spending time simply coloring. Between the unforgettable scent of the crayons and the many choices of basic artwork in those coloring books, the time spent coloring was magical. And quite creative. Very creative. Just think. With your Crayola crayons you could color the sun pink, the grass blue, kittens green and puppies red. Stars could be purple. Bananas could be orange. Whatever your imagination chose, those familiar objects could change their familiar colors and dress up like its Halloween, disguising themselves just like we do. Summer is a never-ending coloring book with its pages beautifully colored by Mother Nature in shades of primary and secondary colors. Some soft. Some bold. With the warmth of the sun, summer's colors seem richer. The

The Fate of a Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie

My 13-year-old granddaughter sent me a message last week asking if I would make her a strawberry-rhubarb pie for her 14th birthday. It felt like Christmas!  Of course I would make her a strawberry-rhubarb pie! As many as she would like! We decided I would deliver the pie for supper on her birthday. My son Brian and I would be staying for her Celebration supper, complete with a Special-Order Strawberry-Rhubarb pie! When that special day arrived, I decided to make an apple pie along with the strawberry-rhubarb pie.  Ingredients were measured and mixed and two pies were the result. I dressed up the Strawberry-Rhubarb pie since it represented what would have been her Birthday Cake. I wrapped both pies up in aluminum foil. Then placed them side by side on a wooden tray and placed that tray on the back seat. Off we went with the radio on high and the excitement growing.  As I made the last turn onto their road, I heard something. Something going on in the back seat. No! That would never happ


When driving by this group of sheep gathered together in one massive nap underneath a pine tree in the heat of the day, I had to stop and try to capture the moment. They all looked so comfortable curled up, side by side in the cool grass. So, I parked down the road and quietly made my way back to the sheep sprawled out in mass. But despite my thinking I was quiet, I did stir a few of them. And they, in turn, stirred a few more and soon some inquisitive sheep were watching my every move. I understood. I certainly would not enjoy a group of inquisitive sheep staring at me when napping in the daytime. I only intruded on their break in the day for a few minutes. I did not want to scare them. I did not want to make them feel so threatened that a few would jump up and hurry away from me, followed by the rest of the gang. So, I took a few photos and left, hoping those curious of me would put their heads back down and fall back to sleep. I did wonder as I walked away if they themselves ever co

Working the Soil

If I am in the kitchen and happen to look out the window, more often than not these days I notice a robin, moving about and then stopping, then moving about and stopping over and over again in search of something to eat. I think it is the same robin that did the same thing last year at this time because that particular robin has taken up residence in the same nest as last year. I hope the robin can't tell I put a Christmas ornament in the nest. It made the perfect decoration with snow all around. Funny how the seasons slip in and out of our lives as we hurry about. One day you notice that mountain of snow that you thought would never go away has melted and grass is in need of cutting. Spring flowers have pushed their way through the cold, blossoming just when you need a bit of color in the landscape, and your heart. Yesterday my son Brian and I went on our favorite cruise, taking us through Amish country. Signs of spring were everywhere. Roadside stands were opening up. Soil was be

Before Those Seat Belt Laws

  First, I must state I am all for Seat Belt Laws although, at times, I forget to Buckle Up-right away. A few weeks ago, my 13-year-old granddaughter was with me in my car. We left one place and were on our way to another when I remembered, I forgot to Buckle Up! When I did remember I quickly remedied the situation. But it did not go unnoticed by my passenger who was all buckled up and in a bit of shock that I, briefly, forgot. I was going to explain to her how way back when in the Dark Ages, there were no such things as Seat Belt Laws but instead, we discussed Ed Sheeran. And the day continued on. Later that evening I got to thinking about those 'No Seat Belt Wearing Days' and a certain car I had when the kids were young came to mind. It was a Maverick. I loved my Maverick. It somehow earned the nickname, "The Crut Bomb." My kids and most every kid in the neighborhood knew that nickname. That is probably because the Crut Bomb was most always full of kids, mine and th

Creamsicle with Whiskers

The attached photo is misleading. This post is actually about a stray cat residing out back in the barn, but I can't get close enough to 'her' to get a good picture. Why did I choose to post a photo of yummy Creamsicles? Let me tell you the story. The old barn has housed many a stray cat. Most check in for a night or so then keep on moving along. We normally don't see them again. I'm sure some have homes with heat, food, and hopefully lots of loving but despite what they have, they like to wander. Go on an adventure, then head back home for a while before going back out around the neighborhood or, in our case, back out around the fields and old barns. Last year we really took to a particular stray. Every time I would see him, I would hurry to feed him in hopes he would stay around a little longer than before. It usually worked. It got to the point where he would come up from the barn to a certain tree. Then sit there until I brought food out to him. Eventually he di