It Was Never a Resolution

Getting a kitten was never a resolution. That is too strong of a word. It was more a Hope that at some point, it would happen if all the stars aligned. In other words, if having a kitten would work out in our home due to my son Brian using a walker. I had visions of a kitten getting in his way. Making him trip. Fall down. So, for a long time, I ignored wanting a kitten. That changed when Brian brought the subject of getting a kitten up, telling me it was a good idea. So did my two grandchildren.
Not long after that a search began for our long overdue kitten. My grandchildren and I found the kitten on an Amish farm in a big, old Amish barn full of kittens. We named the kitten Daphne only to later be told by a vet that Daphne was a male. It was my son who named our kitten, Tony. And Tony joined our family in early summer.
Tony fit in immediately. It was as if he was custom-made for our situation. He seems to sense the meaning of the walker. He stays out of Brian's way. If he happens to be lying in Brian's path, he moves without being told to move.
Tony also shows love and compassion towards Brian. His favorite place to nap is on Brian's lap. Sometimes he will sprawl right out, with his head under Brian's chin. When Brian pets Tony, he snuggles even closer. A few times Brian has taken Tony for a ride on his walker. Tony doesn't budge. He is quite content. Quite happy to be a passenger.
Our Amish kitten has afforded us many a laugh. He zooms around, sliding into chairs and tables, jumping up on chairs and laps at full speed. He has his many favorite little soft balls that he bats around with his paws, carrying them around, hiding them in Brian's bed. Under his pillows.
Of course, Tony did bring down the Christmas tree turning it into "The Crooked Christmas Tree." And today when I was in the process of taking the ornaments off the crooked tree and putting them into a box that I have stored the decorations in for years, Tony had to join those decorations in the box for one last playtime. At least for this year. Maybe.
The Hope of getting a kitten has become a reality. No resolution needed. Everything fell into place. Stopping at that Amish farm for Strawberry-Rhubarb Jam was nothing new. But that particular day, it was meant to be, especially when I asked the young Amish girl tending the roadside stand if she knew of any farms that had any kittens. Bingo! Hope prevailed. They had what seemed like a barn full of kittens!
Happy New Year!


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