I Will Miss the Singing of the Poplar Tree


I knew at some point the magnificent poplar tree standing proudly in front of our home would have to come down. It was showing signs of aging. It was getting tired. Because it was so close to the road, I worried it might fall on a passing vehicle. With great sadness I contacted who I needed to contact and shortly after that, the magnificent and glorious Poplar tee was taken down.
I know it was just a tree but growing up I loved listening to the leaves of the Poplar trees lining my grandparents' cinder driveway. Their singing was music to me so when my son Brian and I moved to the country with that mighty Poplar tree greeting us with its own melodies, I felt at home.
Sometimes when the wind was blowing in the night, the mighty Poplar would wake me up singing its soulful song. The rustling of its leaves was soothing, telling me everything would be just fine, lulling me back to sleep.
Whenever I was out in the garden, the Poplar was right there with me, moving its precious leaves like a conductor of an orchestra; the breeze singing another solo not just for me but for all the little creatures and birds and butterflies flitting about the fields.
As my magnificent Poplar tree lost one limb and then another, I stood in the snow watching with tears in my eyes. I thanked that magnificent Poplar tree for its joy, its music, its love, its memories.
I know the world is in dire need of Love and Kindness and Understanding and Hope. I know that Poplar was just a tree. But funny thing about that. Our Poplar tree gave us love and kindness, understanding and so very many unforgettable memories.
After the ordeal of watching the Poplar tree come down, Brian and I went for one of our long rides on our favorite back country road. We eventually came to the road where his father had lived. Brian asked me to stop the car. We sat and talked about our Poplar. Then he pointed to two beautiful Pine Trees, reminding me he and his father had planted them. He suggested we plant a few Pine Trees where the Poplar had stood, along with a little Poplar tree. Being the amazing gardener he is, Brian then suggested we carve out an area in the Poplar tree's stump and plant flowers.
On the way back home, we talked about what flowers we would plant. We decided our magnificent Poplar would be pleased with our plan.
I can hear its leaves singing in Tree Heaven.


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