When driving by this group of sheep gathered together in one massive nap underneath a pine tree in the heat of the day, I had to stop and try to capture the moment. They all looked so comfortable curled up, side by side in the cool grass. So, I parked down the road and quietly made my way back to the sheep sprawled out in mass. But despite my thinking I was quiet, I did stir a few of them. And they, in turn, stirred a few more and soon some inquisitive sheep were watching my every move. I understood. I certainly would not enjoy a group of inquisitive sheep staring at me when napping in the daytime.

I only intruded on their break in the day for a few minutes. I did not want to scare them. I did not want to make them feel so threatened that a few would jump up and hurry away from me, followed by the rest of the gang. So, I took a few photos and left, hoping those curious of me would put their heads back down and fall back to sleep. I did wonder as I walked away if they themselves ever counted sheep, to get back to sleep!

As I was heading to my car, I thought about my mother and her naps during the day in my father's favorite chair in the living room. In her lap would be my sister-my baby sister at that point in time. When my older brother and I would get home from school, we would quietly come through the front door in case my sister and mother were taking their afternoon nap. They always looked so relaxed. So comfortable. We would tiptoe around the house. Get changed. Get something to eat and by then, naptime was over. My mother was up and ready to start preparing supper. Rested and ready to go.

Naps are wonderful little moments. They do not have to be long. They just have to be.


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