The Little Tree Off in a Field


I noticed the little tree set off in a field whenever I'd go by. Despite the weather, there it would be glowing in shades of gold. Seemingly so proud to be out there with the bigger trees behind him. Standing there as tall as he could, straight as a pin, spreading his beautiful branches as if to say, "Welcome Fall. Welcome Everyone. Enjoy your day."
It dawned on me how happy the little tree was to be there. Happy to be feeling the wind and the sun. Embracing the rain. Enduring the wind. Watching the critters run around and the cars go by.
In some ways, the little tree is actually the tallest tree in that field. It has nothing to do with his height. It has everything to do with his presence. With his roots buried firmly under the ground, his leaves getting ready to fly away like grown children departing the nest, he stands assured. No frills. No pretenses. Proud of the bark and branches and leaves and roots he comes from. Proud of the stories they tell. Respectful of the other trees and their bark and branches and leaves and roots, and stories they tell.
That little tree off in a field brings sunshine to those, like me, passing by.


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