Gingerbread House is Falling Down

 I can't claim to be a maker of gingerbread houses. I only tried one time. I wasn't using a kit. My plan was to make it from scratch and then let my very young children decorate it.

I had everything ready to go for the decorating. I had it all planned. After I had the pieces cut out and baked; then cooled and on the table, I figured the rest would be easy. It would become a Christmas tradition right out of the movies. That never happened. Just the thought of gingerbread houses tires me out.
That's because the pieces of the gingerbread house i made from scratch would not stay in place no matter how hard we tried. I'd followed all the directions. But it kept falling down like London Bridge as the kids whined and started to eat the candy meant to go on the house.
It got to be really late. If I'd had my way, I would have thrown those pieces in the trash but, I had a better idea.
In a calm and reassuring voice, I told the kids I thought I should start over and while they were asleep, I'd get it all together for them to decorate in the morning. It worked. They were either tired or as sick of that house as I was.
It didn't take them long to fall asleep. That's when I dressed the 5-month-old in his snowsuit and off we went to P & C. I bought a Gingerbread Kit-a prefab gingerbread house, a perfectly beautiful gingerbread house. The baby fell asleep in the car. After getting him to bed I put that glorious gingerbread house together in no time and no one ever noticed how perfect those pieces were. They were more intent on decorating it.
That was my one and only attempt at making one of those gingerbread houses. We've continued the tradition by using graham crackers. Easy and Fun. A fine tradition indeed with no last-minute rushing to the store.


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