Funny Bunny and Peter Rabbit on Page 133

 Welcome to Page 133 of Betty Crocker's New Boys and Girls Cook Book printed in the 1960s. Way back when I was in Junior High/High School this page would be spread out on the kitchen counter in our house in the country right about now. After making the Funny Bunny Biscuits and Peter Rabbit Cake a few years in a row I really didn't need to refer to page 133 in that cookbook. By then I knew it all by heart. But going into the kitchen drawer and pulling the cookbook out had become just as much a tradition as making the biscuits and cake. So that's what I would do.

The fun part of doing that was one thing lead to another. I'd sometimes make up my own recipes. I'd sometimes give the bunnies a body by using another biscuit and then add a small biscuit tail. I'd use the suggested raisins for the eyes and candied cherry for the nose and slivered almonds for the whiskers if my father had picked up some almonds when at the grocery store. Or instead of making a Peter Rabbit cake I'd make Peter Rabbit cupcakes.

Now when I go through the pages of that simply illustrated cookbook I am reminded of how much things have changed since that cookbook was published what with the cooking channels and TV chefs and Celebrity Chefs and Bakers online and fancy pans and fancy recipes.

But while things have changed, I dare say the excitement of turning to page 133 in that Betty Crocker New Boys and Girls Cook Book and making Funny Bunny Biscuits, some with just a head and ears and some with a head, ears, body and tail or a Peter Rabbit Cake or Peter Rabbit Cupcakes is as exciting and rewarding as anything a TV chef or Celebrity chef or Baker experiences. Maybe even more!


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