The Christmas Reindeer & The Christmas Fox

For the longest time now my granddaughter has called me Gra-Gra Reindeer. I think it started with her being aware of my book, 'The Reindeer Keeper'. She asked me for a copy. She'd go around her house pretending to read it. She'd even bring it to the table when it was time to eat. A few years ago we went to McDonald's for a 'Christmas Breakfast.' Besides the food, I brought along some little surprises. Her favorite surprise turned out to be a decorated box from the dollar store. I don't remember what I put in it. It turned out that wasn't the attraction. What caught her eye was the sweet Christmas artwork all around the box featuring a Christmas reindeer with a Christmas fox. At that time her nickname was Melanie Kitten but as soon as she saw the fox with that reindeer, she became Melanie Fox and has remained so ever since. Her mommy even had to create a fox costume for her last Halloween. And the theme continued once again this year on Christmas Eve.
  • At her school they hold a sale of sorts before Christmas. People donate stuff for the students to buy as gifts-not for themselves but for others in their family. The merchandise is priced to sell. Last year Melanie Fox bought me several stunning bracelets held together with string and two porcelain reindeer which I keep out all year long. This year Melanie Fox bought me a bright red key chain with the words Mary Kay in sparkling silver, two beautiful pieces of jewelry-and three adorable, decorated reindeer with a sleigh. I will keep the three adorable, decorated reindeer with a sleigh next to the two porcelain reindeer. Some gifts are priceless, especially when you look into the eyes of the little one watching you open her gifts she chose just for you.
    Melanie Fox liked her fox headband and fox pajamas and fox outfits and fox books. But as her daddy was tracking Santa on his cell phone and told her Santa was over Paraguay, she panicked:
  • "Do we live in Paraguay?" she asked.
  • They quickly packed up and headed home in hopes to beat Santa Claus making his yearly stop at the home of Melanie Fox!

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