Thanks Betty Crocker for Pg. 94

On pg. 94 of my copy of this Betty Crocker Boys and Girls Cook Book there's a recipe for "Gingerbread Boys." It's rather worn-with traces of flour and stains from butter used when greasing the baking sheet so many times now that I really don't have to dig the recipe book out of hiding when deciding to bake another batch. I know the recipe. I know what to heat the oven to and how long to chill the dough and how long to bake the little guys because I make them every year. I have been for a very long time. It's one of those little traditions I do and when I do it I feel connected to what this season quickly approaching is all about. It's nice to think about that before the hustle and bustle runs rampant. That's why I like to get this cook book out early-sift through and remember.

I actually think the cook book belongs to my sister-or my mother might have given it to all of us. It doesn't matter. What matters are the memories when looking at the fun and simple recipes. They're like old friends-everything from pinwheel sandwiches to peanut butter and jelly cookies; funny bunny biscuits, bunny salad, animal pancakes, silhouette sandwiches and so much more. Imaginative cakes include a Christmas tree cake, a circus parade cake, a Jack-o-Lantern cake. My mother used to make each of us a Christmas tree cake from scratch for our birthday despite the month our birthday fell.

When turning the pages I remember playing restaurant with my cousin; making milkshakes using ginger ale and ice cream with my siblings. My father liked those too. The colored pages inside the cook book displaying banana splits and root beer floats; banana-orange frosted and strawberry cooler-to name a few-were breath-taking and this was long before the photo shop/digital era. This cook book had it all! It didn't need enhancing. And I don't need a new page 94. I like it just the way it is-worn and full of memories.


  1. Ah, yes! The Betty Crocker Cookbook was my go-to book in my early years as a homemaker!

  2. Your post brings back such good memories of mama's old cookbooks. I also enjoyed an earlier post about the cardigan sweaters. I remember wearing them buttoned up the back and adding a white collar. Love your blog!

  3. I took wore cardigans like that and thinking I was so cool!


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