It Was Bound to Happen!

I've been in my glory for a few months now, relishing in my favorite season where the colder it is, the better it is; the higher the snowbanks, the higher I'd like them to go. But I realize all good things do come to an end-for awhile that it is until Mother Nature brings Winter back around in all its freezing and slendid, breathtaking glory.

Besides the calendar there are hints everywhere that this natural flow of events is about to happen. I've discovered tulips and daffodils peeking out from their winter beds. I've heard the honking announcements from geese high above. I've seen their majestic flocks and watched them land in precision formations in fields and along creek beds. Streams are flowing. Tiny buds on trees are breaking through and suddenly, my winter coat's too warm and my winter boots unnecessary. I feel I'm in dire need of a haircut and I have absolutely nothing to wear!

It'd be so much easier if we could just keep things as they are. But it's too late. The clocks are turned ahead, the robins are back and I've heard my first Blue Jay-which reminds me I'm out of bird seed and suets and the ground needs clearing of all the fallen twigs and branches from snowstorms and icestorms and the wrath of winter's wind. Garden seeds need to be ordered and the windows need washing and blankets that were on overtime need to be aired.

It was bound to happen-this change of season thing that rolls around four times a year where I live. It's never easy. It's way too much work tucking one season back in drawers and getting another ready to go. But we do it. Away goes the hot chocolate. Out comes the lemonade. Away goes warm winter meals cooked in the oven. Out comes the grill. Yes, we do it. But depending on the Season-we sometimes do it with a lot more enthusiasm!


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