Skating on the Creek

It's one of those things-you don't realize how lucky you were kind of thing until you are remembering it! All winter long we had our own skating rink right out the back door and down the hill to the creek. We didn't have to depend on anyone taking us somewhere to skate inside an arena. We'd bundle up and disappear for hours. I don't ever remember getting cold but then that would have been impossible since we were in constant motion-racing, swirling and twirling in olympic-style fashion. The only thing that stopped us were frozen reeds sticking up from the ice. If we caught our skates on them, down we'd go-but not for long!

Sometimes we'd pack a lunch and follow the creek as far as it allowed. Other times we'd skate at night under the moon and stars. It was breathtaking, with the moon acting as a spotlight and the frosty, snowy fields glistening while twinkling stars danced their winter dance. Lying on the ice, my cousin and I would enjoy the winter night's show from above. We'd talk and share,lick the snow from our mittens and eat icicles gathered from our private rink.

Looking back I believe those times spent skating on the creek defines absolute pure enjoyment-just what childhood should be!


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