Let the Music Play and the Art Flow!

I had a cousin when growing up in the country who was (and still is) a talented pianist. I used to love sitting on the piano stool with her in the front parlor of the farmhouse near the stairs while she played. I was amazed how she knew how to hit the right keys-creating something marvelous that drifted through every room-upstairs and down. Her fingers were long and slender. They could stretch across those keys as gracefully as a ballerina warming up before performing. Sometimes she asked me to turn sheets of music for her while she played. They were full of strange little notes and bars that made no sense to me. She'd nod when it was time. On occasion I was one of her students. Chopsticks was as far as I got. I preferred asking her to play Rhapsody in Blue. Music was a part of our playing and pretending back then in our chicken coop clubhouse. Sticks were slammed together; brooms strung like guitars and pretend horns blasted over the fields. And when we went to school, music a...